Yatterman follows the adventures of Gan (J-pop sensation Sho Sakurai), a young mechanical genius who uses his father’s high-tech toy shop as a front for building crime-fighting robots, and his electronics-whiz girlfriend, Ai (Saki Fukuda). Together, they can transform into Yatterman, joint superheroes who command the enormous mecha-dog Yatterwoof in their battles against the evil Dorobrow gang.
Gan and Ai are “Yatterman #1 and #2,” respectively, and always work as a pair; aside from dodging laser beams, performing high-kicking cartoon leaps and wielding awesome tech weapons, they are very human, and have no real special powers. There’s a few supernatural elements at work in the movie, but it’s worth noting how much of Yatterman’s action is based in futuristic and fantastic technologies — and despite the original series’ ’70s origins and Miike’s painstaking, often gorgeously detailed adherence to the look of his source material, it never feels dated.
- Japanese Title: Yattaman
- Year: 2009
- Director: Takashi Miike
- Genre: Action / Comedy
- Country: Japan
- Language: Japanese
- Subtitles: English (srt)
- Cast: Sho Sakurai, Saki Fukuda, Kyoko Fukada, Anri Okamoto, Katsuhisa Namase, Kendo Kobayashi, Sadao Abe
- Runtime: 112 mins
DVD 1 [ SUBS ]
DVD 2 [ SUBS ]
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